Saturday, November 28, 2015

Take a Sneakpeak

When a girl says she's getting a thing or two in the grocery, better not trust a girl with that excuse because that's only a way to get her way out and actualy mean shopping til she drops (well at least for me).
I was supposed to get a few important things for the kitchen in the mall. Since I came a little too early, I decided to walk around and do a little window-shopping to kill the time. I passed through the shoe section in the mall and something suddenly caught my keen eyes.
Sneakers in playful colors & hypnotic prints arranged on the wall racks calling for me. I swore I am not leaving if I cant get a pair or two of these. You know, when a girl swears, she means it. And without a doubt, I got myself a few pairs. Lucky me, the mall was on a big sale that time. I told yah, girls gotta follow her instincts (winks). A big smile from ear to ear while browsing through the racks. I first picked the floral kicks. I tried them on one by one and I was so inloved with them that I badly want to take them all home (and forget about the kitchen stuff). But then I managed myself at moderate level and settled for the ones that topped my list.
These that I got totally looked so similar to Keds™. I picked 2 pairs, a red polka-dotted pair and another of navy blue. Then a few days after, I went back to that mall and got another of decadent amber ombre (wow, that rhymes at the same time tongue-twisting).
However, Im not stopping my hunt here. I'm definitely coming back and will grab more of them next time. Take a sneakpeak of the pairs I got recently and the old ones I have been taking good care of all this time

this pair below is my recent find and is currently a new favorite

this pair below, I got from an online shop on Facebook. These are actually customized. You pick the color combination from their sample skins, mix n' match 'em and get to choose your own design.

Yours truly...